Coaching for Parents of Twentysomethings Struggling to Launch
Is "Adulting" hard for your twentysomething?
Does is seem like everything you do backfires?
Are they living in your house right now?
AND, do you blame yourself or them and wonder how this happened?
You are not alone!
Launching into adulthood is not what it used to be, and there are many ways that young adults are boomeranging back to live with their parents.
You likely have tried everything, invested a lot of time and money only to feel grief because this isn't what you wanted for them....
You need real-life solutions that take into account the very necessary support you give them, your needs, AND what it takes to help your young adult child take ownership and embrace their life.
And yes, this IS possible. Call me to find out how!

Coaching for Compassion Fatigue
So how it this going to work?
Compassion Fatigue in professionals is real.
When you entered your profession, you likely answered a calling. The world needs healing professionals, but the system is not designed to support providers. This is where having a coach that understands your experience can help!
The first thing we'll do is a Discovery Call ~ a chance to learn about each other before committing to working together. I think it's important that you be able to explore and intuit what's right for you. No commitment and you're in control. Coaching is a co-created partnership. *Please note that coaching is NOT covered by insurance so sessions will be out of pocket at $175 for the first session at $150 for 50-minute sessions
If we agree it's a good fit, we'll schedule a 60-90 minute intake. While we'll touch on the path you've walked to this point so we understand it's relevance to today, we will not be mining your past extensively because coaching is focused on the present and your preferred future. We begin to work on what's important to you right here, right now!
We'll do personality and strength inventories to
start leveraging your strengths towards
your vision right away!
Our following sessions will be 30-50 minutes, and are generally over the phone. No driving, no traffic to add to your already long day, and you really don't even have to find daycare if you feel you can focus. How great is that?!
We will laser in on your strengths and how they'll help you towards your goals. There's action steps and extra inspiration provided each call to take action. All in the service of you reaching where YOU want to go
Ready to infuse your work and your life with a new quality of aliveness?
Reconnect to your desire to help without losing yourself again